Sentence example with the word 'rankled'


acerb, acerbic, acidic, acidulous, bitter, caustic, embittered, mindful, obsessed, rancorous, resentful, sore, stewing, virulent

Last update: October 31, 2015


"And discretion," Gabriel added, unable to help but tease his rankled friend.   [Please select]


The latter allusion struck deep, and the injury rankled.   [Please select]


Kindly as he had been treated by others, far back in his soul was a thing that rankled.   [Please select]


The laughter of the troopers rankled in his ears and his face was a dull red.   [Please select]


But the governor's refusal to see them at once rankled within him.   [Please select]


No memory of wrong or pain rankled in the heart of any man, woman, or child he ever met.   [Please select]


Strolling from Shimbashi Station, under the clustered, gaily-colored paper-lanterns, swaying above the rustle and stir of the exotic street, this thought rankled.   [Please select]


How the wound had rankled, all the afternoon, while she was chattering to the Royalties.   [Please select]


But the thought of the fillagree box by degrees took possession of her mind and rankled there as before.   [Please select]


That incivility of Lady Fareham's in the matter of an unreturned visit had rankled deep in the bosom of the King's imperious mistress.   [Please select]


* * * * * Sir John's leave-taking had been curt and moody, for Angela's offence rankled deep in his mind; and it was as much as he could do to command his anger, even in bidding her good-bye.   [Please select]

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rankle - rankled - rankles