Sentence example with the word 'rashness'


abruptness, expeditiousness, furiousness, hastiness, impatience, impetuousness, overhastiness, precipitancy, precipitation, promptness, recklessness, suddenness

Definition n. the trait of acting rashly and without prudence

Last update: September 4, 2015


Yet it may be doubted whether any such division can be safely assumed; and it may suffice to repeat that no domestic tragedy has ever taught with more effective simplicity and thrilling truthfulness the homely double lesson of the folly of selfishness and the mad rashness of crime.   [Please select]


And now, beware of rashness, but with energy and sleepless vigilance go forward, and give us victories.   [Please select]


And he taunted him with rashness that he was come forth thus unaided to stand against a lion.   [Please select]


"Beware of rashness, beware of rashness," said Lincoln, when he appointed him.   [Please select]


He had grown bold even to rashness in proportion as Hooker had grown cautious.   [Please select]


This rashness brought about their ruin, for they were seized by Pluto and chained to a rock.   [Please select]

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rashly - rashness - rasing