Sentence example with the word 'readmit'


Definition v. admit anew

Last update: October 3, 2015


You take the bounty off Rhyn's head and readmit him to whatever weird immortal society you belong to AND I get to leave whenever I want.   [Please select]


He himself might be readmitted to the Council, and all in Virginia should be as it had been.   [Please select]


Virginia, Mississippi and Texas were not readmitted till 1870, and Georgia not till 1871.   [Please select]


In 1869 Congress added to the conditions on which they could be readmitted to the Union the acceptance of the Fifteenth Amendment.   [Please select]


Early in 1870 they all complied with the conditions and were readmitted.   [Please select]


When Congress met in December 1865, the President reported that all former Confederate States except Texas were ready to be readmitted.   [Please select]


It now remained for Congress to approve the work done in the South and to readmit the reorganized states.   [Please select]


Finally, during the early months of 1870 the three states were readmitted.   [Please select]


But afterwards, when Athanasius bore too hardly upon the Arians, he had him banished from Alexandria; and when the church at Alexandria would have excommunicated Arius, he obliged it to readmit him to communion.   [Please select]


To these terms six states (North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas) submitted, and in June, 1868, they were readmitted to Congress.   [Please select]

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