Sentence example with the word 'recessional'


Definition adj. of or relating to receding

Last update: October 13, 2015


But as yet, the recessional or approaching movements of only a few hundred stars have been registered; and this store of information is scanty indeed compared with the needs of research.   [Please select]


The "Recessional" (by Rudyard Kipling, 1865-) is one of the most popular poems of this century.   [Please select]


A recessional is a hymn sung while the clergy and the choir are retiring at the end of a church service.   [Please select]


His poems are all short, and "The Recessional" and "The Dove of Dacca" are especially fine.   [Please select]


The "Recessional" was written for the occasion by Rudyard Kipling (1865--).   [Please select]


Others and still others were doing exactly this same thing at that very hour, their recessional extending across half of France.   [Please select]


The recessional is played, and the procession goes out in reversed order.   [Please select]


Miss Ella Stowbody obliged with a recital of "The Recessional" and extracts from "Lalla Rookh."   [Please select]


They were marching very slowly with a deliberation that puzzled Desnoyers, who could not make out whether this recessional meant flight or change of position.   [Please select]


]] When there is no recessional, the groom always kisses the bride before they turn to receive their guests--it is against all tradition for any one to kiss her before her husband does.   [Please select]

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recession - recessional - recessions