Sentence example with the word 'reciprocation'


alternation, coming and going, correlativism, counterstroke, flux and reflux, inverse relationship, permutation, reply, sine wave, tit for tat

Definition n. the act of making or doing something in return

Last update: July 17, 2015


He bases all moral phenomena on five facts: - (i) Man is susceptible to pleasure (and pain); (2) he likes (or dislikes) their causes; (3) he desires to reciprocate pleasure and pain received; (4) he expects such reciprocation from others; (5) he feels more or less sympathy with the same feelings in his fellows (Letters, 3rd series).   [Please select]


Finally, we have our epidemics as they have their epizootics; and here we will limit our instances of this reciprocation.   [Please select]


If it was what He intended, why was it so often without reciprocation.   [Please select]


As for reciprocation in other forms except the most superficial, or of permitting a personal note to sound ever so discreetly, Siward tolerated no such idea.   [Please select]

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reciprocating - reciprocation - reciprocities