Sentence example with the word 'reckless'


accident-prone, daredevil, fast, heedless, impulsive, lackadaisical, nimble-footed, quick as lightning, sudden, unheeding, unwise

Definition adj. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

Last update: March 9, 2017


Raising his cry of battle, which recalled some six or seven warriors, and reckless of the disparity of their numbers, he rushed upon his enemy.   [adjective]


His reckless driving on a busy thoroughfare is the cause of an accident.   [adjective]


And we are not to wonder if its respectability cannot long withstand this gothic invasion of lordly power, and reckless or unprincipled patronage.   [adjective]


That extravagant splendour, that reckless gaiety had borne beneath their glittering surface the seeds of ruin and death.   [adjective]


In everything else she is soft and yielding, and often, when she is playing with the children, I cannot imagine where she finds her reckless gaiety.   [adjective]


He had dashed forward at the head of his men with the heroic courage of former days--nay, with reckless impetuosity.   [adjective]


Her face suddenly flushed with reckless and joyous resolution.   [adjective]


I suppose I'm getting reckless; I bought a whole box.'   [adjective]

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reciprocal - reckless - recluse