Sentence example with the word 'recross'


Last update: August 28, 2015


Sir Harry Smith, newly appointed governor of the Cape, met, on the banks of the upper Tugela, a body of farmers preparing to recross the Drakensberg, and by remedying their grievances induced many of them to remain in Natal.   [Please select]


The shadow of Henry Leroux recrossed the cream-curtained window.   [Please select]


He stuck his thumb into his vest pocket and recrossed his legs "I guess it can be arranged."   [Please select]


So the Jackal jumped upon the Camel's back, and the Camel began to recross the river.   [Please select]


Accordingly, with unexpected audacity, on Christmas night he recrossed the Delaware, marched nine miles and attacked the British troops posted at Trenton.   [Please select]


"Quickly, then, for I see some of the natives getting ready to recross the river."   [Please select]


The next day he continued his search, he crossed and recrossed the river many times.   [Please select]


One kind, however, called "Cottager's Kail," has lately been produced by crossing common kail and Brussel- sprouts, recrossed with purple broccoli (9/71.)   [Please select]


Having accomplished this they recrossed the Alleghanies to Meadow Bluffs and there awaited further orders.   [Please select]


The air is now glutted and viewless, it is crossed and recrossed by heavy blasts, and the murder of the earth continues all around, deeply and more deeply, to the limit of completion.   [Please select]


Their equals are not known elsewhere, for they are crossed and recrossed in all directions by well-kept carriage roads where automobilists will be troubled neither by dust nor glaring sunlight.   [Please select]

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recriminatory - recross - recrossed