Sentence example with the word 'refreshes'


Last update: August 25, 2015


If we believe that fire warms, or water refreshes, 'tis only because it costs us too much pains to think otherwise " (Treatise, bk.   [Please select]


Shall not the flower itself rejoice in the color and fragrance which it produces, and with which it refreshes us.   [Please select]


Warms in the sun, || refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, || and blossoms in the trees.   [Please select]


If we believe, that fire warms, or water refreshes, it is only because it costs us too much pains to think otherwise.   [Please select]


It refreshes me to see you and to talk with one who had a share with me in an eventful campaign.   [Please select]


"I hope it won't be till I'm gone, because he refreshes me."'   [Please select]


It contains the same procession of specialty-mongers, the same cacophony of rag-time, the same gangway out into the audience which refreshes tired business men with a thrilling, worm's-eye view of dancing girls' knees _au naturel_.'   [Please select]


Blaine has written saying that he will, under no circumstances, become a candidate for the presidency refreshes a sad, yet a glorious, memory.   [Please select]

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refresher - refreshes - refreshing