Sentence example with the word 'reiterates'


Last update: July 21, 2015


They became regents to their young children; and the experience of all medieval minorities reiterates the lesson - woe to the land where the king is a child and the regent a woman.   [Please select]


Frau Berg reiterates that the world needs blood-letting before there can be any real calm again, but it isn't German blood she wants to let.   [Please select]


Afterwards Hæckel in his "Generelle Morphologie" (1866) and "History of Creation," published in 1868, reiterates the notion that the insects are derived from the larva (Zoëa, Fig.)   [Please select]


In each successive pamphlet he reiterates his undertaking to redeem his pledge of a great work, as soon as liberty shall be consolidated in the realm.   [Please select]


The extravagance of his fancies does not appear until the fourth book, in which he reiterates the statement that he was forced to adopt his astrological opinions from direct and positive observation.   [Please select]


He reiterates the opinion "that the advantages nature seemed to have bestowed on the Columbia, will render its geographical position very important at some future day, and that the hand of civilised man would transform it into a terrestrial paradise."   [Please select]

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reiterated - reiterates - reiterating