Sentence example with the word 'remonstrance'


admonition, cautioning, counteraction, direction, grievance, kick, opposition, question, reluctance, revolt, thought

Definition n. the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest

Last update: October 25, 2015


There was not a single word of remonstrance. .   [noun]


Napoleon showed his indifference to the opinion of the tsar by ordering the seizure of the British envoy at Hamburg, Sir George Rumbold (24th of October); but set him free on the remonstrance of the king of Prussia, with whom he then desired to remain on friendly terms. Nevertheless, the general trend of his policy was such as powerfully to help on the formation of the Third Coalition against France - a compact which Pitt (who returned to power in May 1804) had found it very difficult to arrange.   [noun]


On the day of the funeral Peter addressed to Alexius a stern letter of warning and remonstrance, urging him no longer to resemble the slothful servant in the parable, and threatening to cut him off, as though he were a gangrenous swelling, if he did not acquiesce in his father's plans.   [noun]


Heyward would have ventured a remonstrance had there been anything encouraging in the gloomy reserve of Magua.   [noun]


The scout delayed his departure to speak to the generous girl, whose breathing became lighter as she saw the success of her remonstrance.   [noun]


"It is contained, my lord," answered Morton, "in a paper, termed a Remonstrance and Supplication, which my Lord Evandale has placed, I presume, in your Grace's hands."   [noun]


When the players found that remonstrance had no effect they rushed into the hypostyle and tried to reduce the musicians to silence by force.   [noun]


"Obey me instantly," said the old lady; and the forester, finding all remonstrance useless, went out, and obeyed her last commands by shutting the door after him.   [noun]

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