Sentence example with the word 'remorseful'


anxious, bad, conscience-smitten, embarrassed, humbled, penitent, repentant, self-accusing, self-debasing, self-punishing, shamefaced, sorrowful, wistful

Definition adj. feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

Last update: November 2, 2015


Then you were drunk, Howie was trying to deal with his mother and frankly, I believed Julie was totally remorseful over what she did.   [Please select]


In that supreme instant of self-revelation Gabriella answered this accusation as if it had been uttered by her remorseful conscience.   [Please select]


Has he committed some remorseful crime, or is his taciturnity due merely to his natural Scotchness.   [Please select]


I am perfectly well," he said at length, looking from one to the other with forlorn, remorseful affection."   [Please select]


But he couldn't settle to it, poor fellow, being anxious and remorseful for his daughter.   [Please select]


In his remorseful meditations it became clear to him that, though a king's son, he ought to do some useful work.   [Please select]


Ben rummaged out the note with remorseful haste, protesting that he was in no hurry for Mr.   [Please select]

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remorse - remorseful - remorsefully