Sentence example with the word 'retrenchments'


Last update: August 7, 2015


The expense of these expeditions was very heavy, and prevented President Moraes from carrying out many of the retrenchments he had planned.   [Please select]


Some of the reforms and retrenchments were marked by the spasmodic haste and severity which are apt to defeat themselves.   [Please select]


The present increase in the cost of living, and extra taxation, will make retrenchments necessary to everybody.   [Please select]


Burke attempted to secure some economical retrenchments, which were strongly opposed.   [Please select]


He entrusts, therefore, the care of the retrenchments on the Rhone to his lieutenant T.   [Please select]


He kept the first and second under arms, and employed the third on the retrenchments.   [Please select]


Suddenly they rush from all sides towards the retrenchments, and throw a shower of darts and javelins (_gæsa_).   [Please select]


Income tax had leapt to colossal dimensions, the cost of most things had risen, and the tangle of life was now increased by the need for retrenchments and economies.   [Please select]


Cæsar, pressed for time, can only have made retrenchments on the weakest points of the line where the passage of the river was easy; indeed, this is what Dio Cassius tells us.   [Please select]

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retrenchment - retrenchments - retribution