Sentence example with the word 'revealer'


Last update: August 3, 2015


In the older framework of the M ahabharata he appears as a great chieftain and ally of the Pandava brothers; and it is only in the interpolated episode of the Bhagavad-gita that he is identified with Vishnu and becomes the revealer of the doctrine of bhakti or religious devotion.   [Please select]


A Divine limit to the Divine revealer was impossible, and there was no other source of law.   [Please select]


Not one of our senses, absolutely none, is the revealer of external reality.   [Please select]


These communications, it was believed, were made by Zeus, and especially by Apollo, who was the god of prophecy, the Revealer.   [Please select]


Number became a kind of god, a revealer; and the philosophy of number a kind of religion or mystery.   [Please select]


He claimed to speak with authority: he claimed a divine mission: he claimed to be a Revealer of divine truth.   [Please select]


Inside these Palace walls there was a revealer of more merit, as she so well and bitterly knew.   [Please select]

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revealed - revealer - revealers