Sentence example with the word 'revictualling'


Last update: September 28, 2015


Here is an enclosed basin covering 123 acres with ample quayage, dry docks and everything necessary to the accommodation, repair, revictualling and coaling of a numerous fleet.   [Please select]


Lack of supplies at length compelled them to withdraw for the purpose of revictualling.   [Please select]


This revictualling of Coron, says Admiral Jurien de la Gravière, was one of the skilfullest naval operations of the sixteenth century.   [Please select]


Sumter should be ours, and if Lincoln succeeds in revictualling the fort it will be a great blow to our prestige.   [Please select]


* * * * * "As regards the Hispano-American revictualling, it may be said with truth that without this the population of Northern France would have died of hunger, for the Germans considered themselves liberated from any responsibility."   [Please select]

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revictualled - revictualling - review