Sentence example with the word 'revivalists'


Last update: July 20, 2015


Old-fashioned in most of his views, he disliked the tendencies alike of the Methodists and other revivalists and of the rationalizing dissenters, yet he had a good word for Priestley and Theophilus Lindsey.   [Please select]


Neither the old General nor his inspired wife, admirable as revivalists, had the true fire of fanaticism in their blood.   [Please select]


These cases served to fix further public attention upon the nature of the new movement and the sort of revivalists its evangel of violence was producing.   [Please select]


Even to this day our most successful revivalists, those who work conversions wholesale wherever they go, do it more by frightful pictures of hell-fire surrounding the sinner's death-bed than anything else.   [Please select]

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revivalistic - revivalists - revivals