Sentence example with the word 'rifts'


Last update: July 22, 2015


Successive flexures or ridges are ranged in more or less parallel lines, and from between the bands of hard, unyielding rock of older formation the soft beds of recent shale have been washed out, to he carried through the enclosing ridges by rifts which break across their axes.   [Please select]


Kisses chirp amid the rifts of fog a piano sounds.   [Please select]


"We must keep a sharp lookout for rifts in the clouds."   [Please select]


Tints of azure and purple crept over the moors; the whitening sky showed rifts of blue; it was a beautiful morning.   [Please select]


The election of Madison had disclosed wide rifts in his party.   [Please select]


The night was very dark, though the stars still shone through rifts in the ever moving clouds.   [Please select]


So silent, yet rapid, was the motion of Oonomoo, that his figure flitted through the rifts in the wood like a shadow.   [Please select]


"This is refreshing," he murmured, as, lying upon his back, he looked up through the leafy rifts to the sky above.   [Please select]


The mockingbirds sang around him again and through the rifts in the leaves he saw the sailing hawks seeking their prey.   [Please select]


The rain had almost ceased and faint rays of moonlight showed through the rifts where the clouds had broken apart.   [Please select]


Red and green troops were pouring through the dismantled gateway, their horses surging over the ugly ground-rifts and debris as if possessed of the fabled wings.   [Please select]

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riftless - rifts - rigadoon