Sentence example with the word 'riotously'


Definition adv. in a tumultuous and riotous manner

Last update: July 12, 2015


At any time it is a strange sight to the tyro to see with what wondrous habitude of unconscious skill the whaleman will maintain an erect posture in his boat, even when pitched about by the most riotously perverse and cross-running seas.   [Please select]


The feeling he acknowledged to himself was anger; but below the anger a very different sensation ran riotously strong.   [Please select]


"Squat on the ground, and smile a smile of mirth, Mahommed," Lacey said riotously.   [Please select]


And Audrey herself, Clayton perceived from his place of vantage, was flirting almost riotously with the man on her left.   [Please select]


And then again that blinding ray of sunshine burst riotously through her clouds.   [Please select]


Sometimes they went hungry, sometimes they feasted riotously, all according to the abundance of game and the fortune of hunting.   [Please select]


Festivities in honor of the last night of Benton were already riotously in order.   [Please select]


He strolled round to the tennis lawn and was welcomed riotously by the players.   [Please select]


There was to be heard a commotion of newsboys shouting riotously some startling piece of news which had called out an "Extra."   [Please select]


These folk had helped the old king to live riotously while his money lasted, and now they were poor and too proud to work.   [Please select]

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riotous - riotously - riots