Sentence example with the word 'riverbank'


Definition n. the bank of a river

Last update: July 26, 2015


Next day, overtaking the army, he went in a carriage to the Niemen, and, changing into a Polish uniform, he drove to the riverbank in order to select a place for the crossing.   [Please select]


Shakespeare has left the huguenot's house in Silver street and walks by the swanmews along the riverbank.   [Please select]


Kent sitting on the riverbank some distance above the boat landing.   [Please select]


"The ferry-man's asleep, I guess," the driver told her; certainly there was no light in the little weather-beaten house on the riverbank.   [Please select]


Nearly all the outlaws in camp were assembled on the riverbank, lolling in the shade of the cottonwoods.   [Please select]


"The best plan will be to walk along the riverbank until we come to the road again," remarked the Lion.   [Please select]


The riverbank was lined with canvas shelters, illumined dully by the tent-lights within till they looked like a nest of glowworms in deep grass.   [Please select]


It was just as well, for as his train started, a horse and a wild youth came plunging down the riverbank, splashed across, and with a yell charged up to the station.   [Please select]

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river - riverbank - riverbed