Sentence example with the word 'rouged'


Definition adj. marked by the use of various kinds of red makeup

Last update: July 17, 2015


In three carriages involved among the munition carts, closely squeezed together, sat women with rouged faces, dressed in glaring colors, who were shouting something in shrill voices.   [Please select]


All which was formerly rouged, is washed free.   [Please select]


For his daughter's lips were rouged, and they had reminded him of his youth.   [Please select]


Like some fantastically garlanded Oriental goddess of death, her rouged and powdered face nodded grotesquely beneath the flowery wreath on her hat.   [Please select]


Her lips and cheeks were rouged; her dark level eyebrows nearly met at the bridge of her short high nose.   [Please select]


She was not rouged, and he had thought at first, for that reason, that she looked ill.   [Please select]

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rouge - rouged - rouges