Sentence example with the word 'runny'


excretory, flowing, fluid, fluidic, fluxile, fluxionary, leaky, liquidy, percolative, pervious, sappy, transudative, weepy

Definition adj. characteristic of a fluid

Last update: July 19, 2015


I have made a runny tomato sauce.   [Please select]


Her gaze dropped to her plate, and she stared at the runny beans and floating rice.   [Please select]


'Then,' said the Barons, 'let the day be the fifteenth of June, and the place, Runny-Mead.'   [Please select]


** Runny Paint [340] The paint will sag and run if too much oil is put in white lead.   [Please select]


Westward of this Riuer, is the Countrey of Aucocisco, in the bottome of a large deepe Bay, full of runny great Iles, which diuides it into many good harbours.   [Please select]

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runnings - runny - runoff