Sentence example with the word 'rusticity'


Definition n. the quality of being rustic or gauche

Last update: October 26, 2015


More than a modicum of rusticity is needed as a protection to a man who attempts such colossal reforms. This necessity had its consequences in the disquieting inequalities of Wagner's early work, and the undeniable egotism that embittered his fiery nature throughout his life; while the cut-and-dried system of culture of later Wagnerian discipleship has revenged him in a specially sacerdotal type of tradition, which makes progress even in the study of his works impossible except through revolt.   [Please select]


Cowley in praise of rusticity.   [Please select]


Elegance by waxlight becomes rusticity in the sunshine,--and of all things I would not be rustic.   [Please select]


"Rusticity becomes you so that if I were a king, you should dance with me the livelong day."   [Please select]


We have no simple rusticity of scene, no cowslip and buttercup humility of seclusion.   [Please select]


There is no boisterous rusticity here; all is dainty and refined.   [Please select]


The other guests were dispersing to take up the same existence in a different setting: some at Newport, some at Bar Harbour, some in the elaborate rusticity of an Adirondack camp.   [Please select]


Welles, the old tired darling come into his haven, loving Paul as he would his own grandson; Eugenia orchid-like against their apple-blossom rusticity; Marsh.   [Please select]

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rustication - rusticity - rustics