Sentence example with the word 'saddens'


Last update: August 8, 2015


I believe that what so saddens the reformer is not his sympathy with his fellows in distress, but, though he be the holiest son of God, is his private ail.   [Please select]


There was none of that knowledge that stains and saddens the heart.   [Please select]


The beautiful, kind eyes are larger, and in them lies an expression that saddens one, although it is not sad itself.   [Please select]


He makes us like little Kay and his sweet friend Gerda, and then saddens us with Kay's misfortunes.   [Please select]


Accursed be he who willingly saddens an immortal spirit--doomed to infamy in later, wiser ages, doomed in future stages of his own being to deadly penance, only short of death.   [Please select]


This awe-inspiring "Nature-barrier" saddens you--even while you exult in the madness of its fury--when you think what it means on a foggy night to the poor mariner.   [Please select]

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saddening - saddens - sadder