Sentence example with the word 'sag'


abate, catenary, dangle, dip, dwindle, flump, lessen, plop, run low, slump, waste

Definition n. a shape that sags

Last update: August 5, 2015


Conversation 3: Der Einkaufsbummel Barbara Zacharias Sag mal, hÃttest du Lust, morgen früh einen Einkaufsbummel zu machen?   [Please select]


If the unladen sag is to large then the springs are too stiff.   [Please select]


Organized tours provided sag wagons—vehi­cles to haul luggage from one overnight stop to another—but Dean preferred carrying his own gear rather than taking time to sift through a thousand sets of belongings nightly.   [Please select]

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safeguard - sag - sagacious