Sentence example with the word 'saggers'



However, we may be able to catch a glimpse of some of the ware being packed in the saggers.   [Please select]


"When they do the china in them must be rescued from the kilns and put into new saggers."   [Please select]


For the glazed china we generally use glost saggers that have been covered on the inner side with a coating of enamel.   [Please select]


"Do they wait until the saggers and their contents are cold before they take them out."   [Please select]


The old saggers are then broken up; the clay in them ground and sifted; and after being moistened again and mixed with fresh clay other saggers are modeled.   [Please select]


After the ware has been brought here in baskets it is very carefully packed in the saggers, and the saggers in turn packed in these great brick ovens.   [Please select]

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sagger - saggers - sagging