Sentence example with the word 'sandstorms'


Last update: July 22, 2015


The hills surrounding the city on all sides shelter it from the sandstorms which afflict some parts of New Mexico, and its pleasant climate, attractive mountain scenery and historical interest make it a favourite resort.   [Please select]


Now that we had our dog back home, it was time again to settle down to facing the realities of dry weather and sandstorms.   [Please select]


We had many sandstorms but this one was not just one of the ordinary ones.   [Please select]


Sandstorms in Canyon de Chelly 91 Sheep introduced by Spaniards 162 Simpson, J.   [Please select]


And out of the north the sandstorms rushed upon him, blood-red pillars and wreaths, blotting out the noonday sun; and Perseus fled before them, lest he should be choked by the burning dust.   [Please select]


At last the gale fell calm, and he tried to go northward again; but again came down the sandstorms, and swept him back into the waste, and then all was calm and cloudless as before.   [Please select]

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sandstorm - sandstorms - sandwich