Sentence example with the word 'satiation'


Definition n. the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

Last update: September 15, 2015


With the hum of their bonds and the satiation of the blood exchange, she ventured a look at him.   [Please select]


Something--he didn't understand what--had suddenly left him satiated--and with all the uneasiness and discontent of satiation he forced matters until he could force no further.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, from the number of the pollen-grains expended "in the satiation of the ovarium and pistil,"--from the generality of the formation of the ovarium and seed- coats in hybridised plants which produce no seeds,--and from Dr.   [Please select]


Gärtner has shown,[947] by gradually increasing the number of pollen-grains until he succeeded in fertilising a Malva, that many grains are expended in the development, or, as he expresses it, in the satiation, of the pistil and ovarium.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, from the number of the pollen-grains expended "in the satiation of the ovarium and pistil,"--from the generality of the formation of the ovarium and seed-coats in sterile hybridised plants,--and from Dr.   [Please select]


His desire for position and power was that; even his yearning for corruption was but the desire for the satiation of a vanity as monstrous as it was passionless.   [Please select]

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satiates - satiation - satiety