Sentence example with the word 'scallywags'


Last update: September 2, 2015


You're the best sister that ever was; so I'll love all the scallywags you ask me to.   [Please select]


Lisbon would be a good jumping-off place, for it was the rendezvous of scallywags from most parts of Africa.   [Please select]


We were an odd pair of scallywags to look at, but as South African as a wait-a-bit bush.   [Please select]


Half your pay goes to the scallywags you've landed in jail.   [Please select]


I was among farmers from Skye and butchers from Inverness and drunken scallywags from the slums of Aberdeen, and a leaven of old soldiers from all over Scotland.   [Please select]


After that he wrote other letters to the Press, saying that there was no more liberty of speech in England, and a lot of scallywags backed him up.   [Please select]

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scallywag - scallywags - scalp