Sentence example with the word 'seaming'


Last update: July 2, 2015


The basin of the Tarim contains, indeed, numerous other streams, most of them summer torrents seaming the flanks of the encircling mountains, but once no doubt affluents of the Tarim, though now all swallowed up in the desert soon after quitting the shelter of the mountains.   [Please select]


"I do sew every day in Aunt Jane's room, ten minutes hemming, ten minutes seaming, and ten minutes basting patchwork squares together."   [Please select]


Captain Joe could see the deep lines about the eyes, seaming the dry, shrunken skin.   [Please select]


My mother had cut out the divisions from various bits in the rag-bag, and my sister had done some of the seaming.   [Please select]


Mechanically his sister did look, and her horrified eyes rested upon a face which streaked with inky spots and lines seaming it in every direction.   [Please select]


Mechanically his sister did look, and her horrified eyes rested upon a face streaked with inky spots and lines seaming it in every direction.   [Please select]

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seamen - seaming - seamless