Sentence example with the word 'seepage'


absorbency, assimilation, digestion, endosmosis, exosmosis, importing, input, intrusion, penetration, sponge, tricklet

Definition n. the process of seeping

Last update: September 8, 2016


Seepage of rain water accounts for the raise in the level of underground water.   [Please select]


For several days following her bilge pumps sent overboard a continuous stream of water and oil seepage.   [Please select]


Dean had no stomach for going any deeper than necessary and the water from the mine seepage was getting deeper.   [Please select]


They were merely two-room shanties, with a seepage of broken-down chairs, peeling veneered tables, chromos pasted on wooden walls, and inefficient kerosene stoves.   [Please select]


Finally, no more water came this way except as seepage, which is the condition at present.   [Please select]


The water tanks were flavored with the seepage from neighboring compartments.   [Please select]


This racial seepage is confined almost wholly to the Italian and the Slav.   [Please select]


This frog is abundant throughout the lowlands of the isthmus, where in the dry season individuals were found along streams and beneath rocks at a spring seepage.   [Please select]


Such falls of rock are not uncommon now in the fall and winter months, when frost and seepage from the melting snow sometimes split off huge fragments.   [Please select]

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