Sentence example with the word 'semblances'


Last update: August 19, 2015


Some were like huge ships, some like forest trees, and others piled themselves into semblances of turreted castles and wonderful palaces.   [Please select]


He looked hard at it, and saw more semblances of probability about it than he liked.   [Please select]


We must learn to select from among these semblances of truth.   [Please select]


)--“He had drawn around him men perverse and audacious, at the same time that he had attached to himself numbers of virtuous and steady citizens, by the false semblances of an affected virtue.   [Please select]


We can sketch merely the outlines of two or three out of the many pictures which at the pulling of a string successively peopled the box with the semblances of living scenes.   [Please select]

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semblance - semblances - semen