Sentence example with the word 'septicemia'


Definition n. invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection

Last update: October 16, 2015


There is an infectious disease of geese which sometimes causes trouble known as goose septicemia or hemorrhagic septicemia.   [Please select]


The mortality is not so great as in septicemia, but the period of convalescence is always long.   [Please select]


_--Septicemia is characterized by the destructive changes in the blood, which is chocolate colored, noncoagulable, and swarms with bacteria.   [Please select]


Inflammation of the kidneys may further be a form or an extension of a specific contagious disease, such as erysipelas, rinderpest, septicemia, or even of poisoning by the spores of fungi.   [Please select]


Inoculations with this bacillus killed guinea pigs or rabbits in 6 to 18 hours, and calves in 30 hours, with symptoms and lesions of hemorrhagic septicemia, including profuse fetid diarrhea.   [Please select]

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