Sentence example with the word 'serener'


Last update: November 2, 2015


This possibility was so encouraging that the startled expression in the lad's eyes gave place to a serener light.   [Please select]


The work she is now publishing, "_Consuelo_" with its sequel, "_Baroness de Rudolstadt_," exhibits her genius poised on a firmer pedestal, breathing a serener air.   [Please select]


But never have the grave and solemn aspects of landscape found a sweeter and serener spirit to interpret them.   [Please select]


That is the teaching of earlier and serener years, of the time when the poet was still quietly embayed in youth, when jealous criticism, and envy, and disappointment were still trials of the future.   [Please select]


She had imagined that Stephen would be his large-minded, great-hearted, magnanimous self, and beg her to forget this fascinating will-o'the-wisp by resting in his deeper, serener love.'   [Please select]

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sereneness - serener - serenes