Sentence example with the word 'sextant'


astrolabe, bevel, chronometer, crescent, graphometer, loran, point-to-point navigation, radio beacon, semicircle, tables, transit instrument

Definition n. a unit of angular distance equal to 60 degrees

Last update: June 28, 2016


We use sextant to determine the position of ship.   [Please select]


He also invented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and the fixed stars, - the same in every essential as the instrument which is still in everyday use at sea under the name of Hadley's quadrant.   [Please select]


Will you get my sextant and the chronometer up, Jack, and put them handy.   [Please select]


I also observed the well seasoned case of my sextant shrunk considerably and the joints opened.   [Please select]


--today I observed time and distance of sun's and moon's nearest limbs with sextant sun East.   [Please select]


Observed Magnetic Azimuth and altitude of the sun with Circumferenter and Sextant.   [Please select]


He began to take observations with the [v]sextant, which shook in his trembling hand.   [Please select]


Some of the astronomical instruments which they constructed, including the sextant and the gnomon, are still in use.   [Please select]


The clouds last night prevented my taking any lunar observations this day I took Equal Altitudes of the 0 with Sextant.   [Please select]


He kept getting out his sextant (an instrument which tells you what part of the ocean you are in) and making calculations.   [Please select]


"I wish I had not left my sextant behind me in the hurry of departure," said the Captain that evening to Leo.   [Please select]

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