Sentence example with the word 'skeletal'


attenuated, emaciate, gangling, hollow-eyed, lean-fleshed, peaked, rawboned, skinny, starved, thin-fleshed, underweight, wraithlike

Definition adj. of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton

Last update: July 15, 2015


The main musculature can be seen through the thin skin to be divided into about sixty pairs of muscle-segments (myotomes) by means of comma-shaped dissepiments, the myocommas, which stretch between the skin and the central skeletal axis of the body.   [Please select]


There is no trace of the internal skeletal structure or of the articulation to the basal plate in either specimen.   [Please select]


Materials and Methods For this report, data has been obtained from 2829 preserved frogs, 42 skeletal preparations, 8 lots of tadpoles and young, and 4 lots of eggs.   [Please select]


One of the three contained incubated eggs; skeletal elements were present in the embryos.   [Please select]


--On sand flats at Camp 1 we found a left humerus and several other post-cranial skeletal elements that have been identified by Dr.   [Please select]


Weathered but well preserved skeletal remains of at least 12 gophers were picked up at this site.   [Please select]


_Spongin_ The horny substance found in the skeletal framework and the coverings of gemmules of sponges.   [Please select]

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