Sentence example with the word 'sledgehammer'


bang, beat, coercive, flap, knock, maul, pelt, pulverize, spank, thrash, violent

Definition n. a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges

Last update: July 23, 2015


She looked at him as if imploring comprehension, but she had to speak as she thought, with sledgehammer directness.   [Please select]


He had keen blue eyes that seemed to look into the very heart of things, and his fist was like a blacksmith's sledgehammer.   [Please select]


Poverty, tyranny, bloody oppression, wholesale slaughter of a people in a half-mad monarch's war--Joe pounded them in with sledgehammer blows.   [Please select]


Roosevelt walked deliberately towards him, and before the bully suspected it, the "tenderfoot" felled him with a sledgehammer blow.   [Please select]


There came another tremendous gust, which seemed to strike the boat like a blow from an immense sledgehammer; and she bent down under it till her rail was buried in the foaming waters.   [Please select]


This time, in his blind frenzy, he came without a bottle, and that was all the bartender wanted--he met him halfway and floored him with a sledgehammer drive between the eyes.   [Please select]

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sledged - sledgehammer - sledgehammers