Sentence example with the word 'slimly'


Definition adv. in a slim or slender manner

Last update: August 23, 2015


They are about as tall as the average Malay, are slimly built, light of colour, and have wavy fine hair.   [Please select]


Besides, it couldn't last long," she said, thinking of his slimly powerful build as she had noticed it in his swimming costume."   [Please select]


Slowly at last I lifted the blue muslin, twenty-three-inch waist shroud and let it slip over my head and fall slimly around me.   [Please select]


She towered over her present companion, who was five foot seven and slimly built.   [Please select]


Then the bang of a door, followed by a shaking of the slimly-built house, suggested the idea that the poor man had flung himself on his bed.   [Please select]

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sliming - slimly - slimmer