Sentence example with the word 'snuggery'


alcove, blockhouse, bungalow, carrel, corner, cote, cove, cubby, cubicle, log cabin, niche, oriel, recess

Definition n. a small secluded room

Last update: August 6, 2015


Thorpe himself called the room his "snuggery," and spent many hours there in slippered comfort, smoking and gazing contentedly into the fire.   [Please select]


I counted six myself this morning when I went upstairs just to get something out of the snuggery.   [Please select]


"Has Colonel Menendez taken you into a little snuggery or smoke-room which faces his bedroom in the southeast corner of the house."   [Please select]


There they are now, hanging over the pipe-rack by the fireplace in my snuggery in dear old England.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XIX THE WARNING OVER THE WIRE After supper the two boys once more ascended to the snuggery near the roof.   [Please select]


"There you are," he said, "this is my snuggery--my boodwar, so to speak."   [Please select]

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