Sentence example with the word 'solidarity'


accord, coadjuvancy, common enterprise, concord, entirety, harmony, kinship, pervasiveness, simplicity, teamwork, uniqueness

Definition n. a union of interests or purposes or sympathies among members of a group

Last update: August 19, 2015


Solidarity is necessary for the progress of a country.   [Please select]


Since John is an African American, he joined the Black Student Union in college to show solidarity for his race.   [Please select]


All of the marchers wore matching t-shirts to display solidarity for their cause.   [Please select]


This was called the " solidarity pledge," and, united under its sanction, what was left of the Labour party contested the general election of 1894.   [Please select]


True social harmony grows naturally out of solidarity of interests.   [Please select]


They saw that, if South Carolina went out of the Union in 1851, she would go alone and the solidarity of the South would be broken.   [Please select]


But at that period, neither in England nor in the United States, did this view of cabinet solidarity prevail.   [Please select]


They listen eagerly to the appeal for the 'solidarity' of their class.   [Please select]


Other intellectual centers there were: SOLIDARITY, published by John Edelman; LIBERTY, by the Individualist Anarchist, Benjamin R.   [Please select]


This solidarity is awakening the consciousness of even the soldiers, they, too, being flesh of the flesh of the great human family.   [Please select]

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solicitous - solidarity - solitude