Sentence example with the word 'soreness'


a transient madness, anaphylaxis, bitter feeling, empathy, grapes of wrath, ill blood, irritation, perceptivity, sensitivity, sympathy, vendetta

Definition n. a pain that is felt

Last update: July 3, 2015


But though peace was for a time restored, the old causes of soreness and dissension remained unappeased, and as the time for the next presidential election began to draw near, it became more and more evident that a critical struggle was at hand, and that the people of Buenos Aires, supported by the province of Corrientes, were determined to bring to an issue the question as to what position Buenos Aires was to hold for the future with regard to the remaining provinces of the confederation.   [Please select]


That painful soreness was disappearing from his ankles.   [Please select]


The soreness of body and soul had first to heal.   [Please select]


His work had already taken the soreness and stiffness out of his unaccustomed muscles, and he seemed, as the Dean had said, a born horseman.   [Please select]


All you remember now is, vaguely, a tumble or two, soreness, and lots of fun.   [Please select]


There was no pain, no feeling of soreness, and it was the first time he could remember that it had been so.   [Please select]

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sorely - soreness - sorer