Sentence example with the word 'soundings'


Last update: July 6, 2015


The survey team is taking soundings on the shortage of water supply.   [Please select]


The later expedition of the " Pola " discovered the " Rhodes Deep " (36° 5' N., 28° 36' E.), with a maximum depth of 2110 fathoms: this deep is closed to the south-east by a ridge running south-east, over which the depth is 1050 fathoms. Off the coast of Syria the " Pola "obtained four soundings of more than 1100 fathoms, and between Cyprus and the coast of Asia Minor only two over 550 fathoms. Murray gives the following figures for the areas and volumes of the Mediterranean at different depths: which gives a mean depth over all of 768 fathoms. The following table is due to Karstens: Kriimmel gives the total volume of the basin as 4,249,020 cubic kilometres or 1,019,400 cubic statute miles, and the mean depth as 782 fathoms. (See Ocean.) Meteorology.   [Please select]


In the morning it was found by the soundings, etc.   [Please select]


Not the soundings of Hatteras Bar.   [Please select]


"My certy, they had better mind their soundings, though."   [Please select]


All attempts were limited, I repeat, to shallow soundings which informed the insect of the possibility of inhumation.   [Please select]


"Now, Paul, I've lost soundings altogether, and it's my opinion that you are foolishly talking about things that you, don't understand."   [Please select]


We were several times chas'd in our passage, but out-sail'd every thing, and in thirty days had soundings.   [Please select]


No longer fearing danger, even from revengeful Spaniards, they stood on until, greatly to their joy, soundings were struck.   [Please select]


The Admiral sent the boat in, to take soundings, and they found the water fresh until it enters the sea.   [Please select]


There is neither bank nor reef within, and there are scarcely soundings close in shore.   [Please select]

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soundingly - soundings - soundless