Sentence example with the word 'soured'


acerb, baffled, blown, dashed, dyspeptic, frustrated, ill-served, out of countenance, sec, tainted, vinegarish

Definition adj. having turned bad

Last update: July 20, 2015


Up to this time the rule of the Bhonsla rajas, rough warriors of peasant extraction, had been on the whole beneficent; but, soured by his defeat, Raghoji now set to work to recover some of his losses by a ruthless exploitation of the peasantry, and until the effective intervention of the British in 1818 the country was subjected to every kind of oppression.   [Please select]


SOWENS, the seeds of oatmeal soured.   [Please select]


It is they who, soured in their tempers, attack their fellows and seek to dislodge them.   [Please select]


In fact, they got so soured on poor old Kay that his life was actually in danger and he had to get out of England.   [Please select]


LIVINGSTONE relates the same of the solitary hippopotamus which becomes soured in temper, and wantonly attacks the passing canoes.   [Please select]


The wonder to me is that ye're walkin' around with yer head up and your heart not soured.   [Please select]


He was sincere in his liking for the soured, bereaved sovereign, forced to endure alliance with a Government he loathed.   [Please select]

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sources - soured - sourer