Sentence example with the word 'spindling'


Last update: August 9, 2015


And, peering out, it had beheld a spindling child; a human atom, without strength or weapon.   [Please select]


Very deliberately he lighted a cigarette, found himself an ash-tray and settled down astride a spindling little chair.   [Please select]


Yorke had begun to criticise her rescuer as "a spindling country boy."   [Please select]


A Moorish archway with a spindling grill across the top, gave access to it.   [Please select]


This Brother Tisdale was past fifty--a spindling, rickety, gaunt old man, with a long horse-like head and vacantly solemn face, who kept one or the other of his hands continually fumbling his bony jaw.   [Please select]


He was only obeying the universal law of nature--the law which prompts the pallid spindling sprout of the potato in the cellar to strive feebly toward the light.   [Please select]

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spindles - spindling - spindly