Sentence example with the word 'spoiler'


Definition n. a candidate with no chance of winning but who may draw enough votes to prevent one of the leading candidates from winning

Last update: August 1, 2015


The rogue, the thief, the burglar, the poisoner, the spoiler of temples and tombs, these are their proselytes.   [Please select]


The Master was a just man--as humans go; but this was a crime the most maudlin dog-spoiler could not have condoned.   [Please select]


The sun was dreaded as an enemy to the skin without doors and the fire as a spoiler of the complexion within.   [Please select]


But now the land becomes an easy prey to the spoiler.   [Please select]


Head first, the Cicada dives into the abyss, down which the spoiler drags her by successive jerks.   [Please select]


Is there any one in the world who can flatter himself that he has escaped the spoiler.   [Please select]


And again will I win glory if the wicked spoiler of my land will but come forth from his lair.   [Please select]


With a stone, the peasant broke the eagle's pinion, and separated the spoiler from his victim, which was dying in his grasp.   [Please select]


Sanctuary where the most precious possessions were kept safe from the hand of the spoiler and the eye of the world.   [Please select]


They soon quiet down; and the spoiler begins to notice her surroundings.   [Please select]


No children have we to lament, no wives to wail our fall; The traitor's and the spoiler's hand have reft our hearths of all.   [Please select]

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spoiled - spoiler - spoilers