Sentence example with the word 'spurts'


Last update: August 2, 2015


Cynthia Byrne explained, in nervous little spurts, how she had heard the news of her husband's disappearance.   [Please select]


HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF BIRDS ON NARROW FRONTS Bird migration, as we know it in daytime, is characterized by spurts and uneven spatial patterns.   [Please select]


Little yellow spurts of flame were now creeping forth from between the sticks, some leaping away into nothingness, others curling and enfolding them.   [Please select]


I was middling good at most of their games and would get sudden spurts when I would become almost a leader.   [Please select]


"I think that they must be firing at Valerien, I saw several spurts of smoke close to it."   [Please select]


A bandy child, asquat on the doorstep with a paper shuttlecock, crawls sidling after her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up.   [Please select]


The British line had turned into a reeling, whirling ridge of smoke lifting over spurts of flame at the bottom.   [Please select]

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spurtle - spurts - sputa