Sentence example with the word 'stamen'


androecium, anther, calyx, carpel, corolla, corolla tube, corona, epicalyx, gynoecium, megasporophyll, microsporophyll, perianth, petal, pistil, receptacle, stigma, style, torus

Definition n. the male reproductive organ of a flower

Last update: September 21, 2015


The part of the flower which produces poller is called stamen.   [Please select]


In most orchids the only stamen developed to maturity is the posterior one of the three opposite to the lip (anterior before the twisting of the ovary), the other two, as well as all three inner ones, being entirely absent, or present only in the form of rudiments.   [Please select]


Each pistil, or stamen (they are on separate trees, _dioecious_) is in a little cup and covered by a scale, which is cut and fringed.   [Please select]


The chief difficulty is that they imagine that there is a direct metamorphosis of a leaf to a petal or a stamen.   [Please select]


That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and peloric Antirrhinum.   [Please select]

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stalwarts - stamen - stamens