Sentence example with the word 'stiflingly'


Last update: July 5, 2015


It complained; it threatened; it strengthened; and from the heating desert it blew in stiflingly hot.   [Please select]


This room is so stiflingly hot, and I want to go out.   [Please select]


The weather grew stiflingly hot, night and day there was no breath of wind; the whole country reeked of death and abomination.   [Please select]


It was almost out, but the room felt stiflingly warm, and the butter was so nearly melted that Mrs.   [Please select]


There was no movement in the crisp leaves of the bamboo trees and the damp heat beat up stiflingly from the gray glare.   [Please select]


All night, in her sleep, in the stiflingly hot loft of her father's hovel, which served her and the five other Ruloff children as a dormitory, Sonya was faintly aware of that bright memory.   [Please select]

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stifling - stiflingly - stigma