Sentence example with the word 'stigmata'


Definition n. marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ

Last update: September 17, 2015


When the monkey attacked my brother and left stigmata on the skin.   [Please select]


If for no other reason than the prominent place they hold in art, it would not be right to pass by the Stigmata without a special mention.   [Please select]


On its front surface are two pale red stigmata, or respiratory orifices, placed pretty close together.   [Please select]


Their mouths correspond exactly with the points at which the two sets of stigmata open in the Anthrax larva in its second form.   [Please select]


At the bottom of this crater are two breathing holes, two stigmata with amber-red tips.   [Please select]


When, for further investigation, they must needs go under completely, the anemone at the back shuts and protects the stigmata.   [Please select]


There too, opposite to him, was Lynch whose countenance bore already the stigmata of early depravity and premature wisdom.   [Please select]


On either side we count nine stigmata, set as before on the mesothorax and the first eight abdominal segments.   [Please select]

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stigmas - stigmata - stigmatic