Sentence example with the word 'stimulant'


activator, animator, catalyst, colocynth, energizer, impetus, kola, motive power, pull, spark plug, tea

Definition adj. that stimulates

Last update: July 20, 2015


The athletes take stimulants to increase their stamina.   [Please select]


The ban on use of polythene will act as a stimulant to the improvement of ecology.   [Please select]


It was regarded as a stimulant and therefore it was forbidden to followers of Islam.   [Please select]


The stimulant principle is the same as that occurring in tea and coffee, but the proportion is considerably less.   [Please select]


The mind of the courier, striking out vigorously for some kind of a stimulant, laid hold of anger as the nearest efficient.   [Please select]


I trust a little sedative and stimulant in one will prepare you nicely for the drawing lessons.   [Please select]


Warren had told her to get into dry clothing, and then to take a stimulant, and have something to eat.   [Please select]


Caffein is well known as a specific for nervous headaches, and as a heart stimulant and diuretic.   [Please select]


From Vida's pride Carol sought to draw a stimulant to rouse her from depression.   [Please select]


War is not exactly a spiritual stimulant, and it blurs the calendar.   [Please select]


Halsted has met with abundance of patients, and a ready sale for his work: a hope of relief from disease acts as a stimulant to faith, but "Hope is a cur-tail dog in some affairs."   [Please select]

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