Sentence example with the word 'stuccoed'


Last update: September 6, 2015


As in Venice, many of the 16th-century palaces in Verona had stuccoed facades, richly decorated with large fresco paintings, often by very able painters.   [Please select]


The dwellings and other buildings are of gray stone or brick, stuccoed over and tinted blue, yellow, drab or any other color but pink.   [Please select]


We have traveled that road, we find tokens of ourselves on every hand; we are "stuccoed with quadrupeds and birds all over," as Whitman says.   [Please select]


The roof came down steep and black like a cowl, reaching out beyond the wide galleries that encircled the yellow stuccoed house.   [Please select]


I have a vague recollection of some old houses, with fronts of stuccoed pilasters, and rather nice yards.   [Please select]


The large walled court which adjoins it is adorned by stuccoed niches.   [Please select]


The family were absent for some months, during which the house underwent extensive repairs, the roof having been raised, the walls stuccoed, and the ceilings whitened.   [Please select]

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stucco - stuccoed - stuck