Sentence example with the word 'suavity'


Definition n. the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner

Last update: May 24, 2016


His bodyguard regarded to lack suavity in the journey   [Please select]


If in regard to France his policy appeared to lack suavity and circumspection, it must be remembered that the French republic was then engaged in active anti-Italian schemes and was working, both at the Vatican and in the sphere of colonial politics, to create a situation that should compel Italy to bow to French exigencies and to abandon the Triple Alliance.   [Please select]


Robert replying with equal suavity, Anthea hastened to lead the talk away from the accident.   [Please select]


That once accomplished, they reverted to their habitual practice of politeness and suavity.   [Please select]


And now--" "Now you are going on," said Lady Henry, with a most unfriendly suavity."   [Please select]


Coleman," said Trimble, with suavity, "this is my wife, Mrs.   [Please select]


"Good evening, Ethan," said Ben, with more suavity than he was in the habit of using.   [Please select]


He was very richly dressed, and he was a gentleman of unbounded suavity.   [Please select]


"The hotel is not in this direction," replied the horseman with much suavity.   [Please select]


Her beauty and her grace might have done much, had she inherited with the pride of the Medici something of their finesse and suavity.   [Please select]


Lady Tranmore, always nervously on the watch, moved forward at this point, and Lord Parham, with marked and pompous suavity, transferred his conversation to her.   [Please select]

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suavest - suavity - subacid